Dry Pole Bean, Scarlet Runner

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Dry Pole Bean, Scarlet Runner

from CA$3.50

These prolific climbers produce really pretty, edible flowers, so they shine as a climbing ornamental in your garden. But they're also good eatin' beans. The very young pods make a good 'green bean', but in dry form they shine! Cooked long enough, they become very creamy while holding their form. They also produce a tasty broth. Runners comprise a separate species from common pole beans.

Gardeners: Runner beans run! They want to be trellised, and will grow to 20' if given the chance. Plan on providing a pole, teepee, or trellis in the 6-9' range, and think about placement to avoid shading out other sun-loving crops in your garden.

Packet: minimum 30 seeds

Produced by Unearthed Organics, whose organic certification is valid only in British Columbia.

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