Our Story

Courtesy Jennifer Schell/The Butcher, The Baker, The Wine and Cheesemaker in the Okanagan (fun book…go get it!)

Courtesy Jennifer Schell/The Butcher, The Baker, The Wine and Cheesemaker in the Okanagan (fun book…go get it!)


We're Jordan & Vanessa. We moved to the Okanagan in 2011 to start a veggie business on leased land at The Homestead Organic Farm in Peachland, because we're passionate about healthy soil and good food.

Then a whole bunch of stuff happened. Vanessa became a midwife. The veggie business grew. We got hitched. The business grew some more. In 2016, Vanessa got pregnant (!!),  and we moved ourselves to Kelowna, where Vanessa practices midwifery, and Jordan established a new farm lease, under a new name: Unearthed Organics. We have two boys: Levon and August.

The new farm is located at Helen's Acres, a beautiful piece of bottom land abutting Mission Creek Park, at the end of Mayer road. As of this writing (November 2021), we’re making plans for our sixth year of production there.

A few photos of the farm and family: